Poison type Pokémon are aplenty in the franchise, and they are one of the oldest types introduced in the series as they made their debut way back in Generation I. And so, this is one Pokémon group that most of us are quite familiar with!
Unlike the popular types of Pokémon – like fire, water or grass – poison-type is often overlooked which is kinda disappointing considering the sheer number of choices you have. There are not just Pokémon who are pure poison-type, but also Pokémon who have dual-types with poison being one of them; and this duality grant them with both offensive and defensive capabilities necessary to go up against all sorts of Pokémon.
Even when you consider the pure poison-type Pokémon, they are pretty powerful as well because they can turn the tides in a battle by just incapacitating their opponents via one of their poisonous attacks.
This type of Pokémon can easily be identified because they are designed in a way that “poison” or “venom” immediately comes to your mind when you see them. So, let’s not waste much time and have a look at all the awesome poison Pokémon that have been introduced in the series so far
Best Poison Type Pokémon of 2022
19. Tentacruel
Tentacruel is a dual-type Water/Poison Pokémon that was introduced in Generation I. It evolves from Tentacool starting at level 30.
Tentacruel is a jelly-like Pokémon that has two red orbs on its shell with a smaller one in between. It has a dark face, white eyes, long tentacles, and two blue hooks that extend from its face and back. Whenever it is excited or wants to communicate or show that there’s danger, its orbs glow. This water-type Pokémon can store up energy, fire ultrasonic waves, and camouflage itself effectively in aquatic environments. Tentacruel’s ability to hide in plain sight is incredibly useful in battle with rivals. Also, it can poison and paralyze its prey with its tentacles too.
- Type: Water/Poison
- Weakness: Ground, Electric, Psychic
- Immunity: None
- Resistance: Fighting, Poison, Bug, Steel, Fire, Water, Ice, Fairy
18. Victreebel
Victreebel is a dual-type Grass/Poison Pokémon. It was introduced in Generation I. It evolves from Weepinbell when exposed to a Leaf Stone and it is the final form of Bellsprout.
Victreebel is a plant-like Pokémon that has the lower body of a potato, leaves on either side of its body, and a wide mouth with two visible sharp teeth. On its mouth, there is a green leaf that’s balanced off on a long vine. As a defensive mechanism, it looks to provoke attacks from its rivals by giving off a fragrant acid.
- Type: Grass/Poison
- Weakness: Flying, Fire, Psychic, Ice
- Immunity: None
- Resistance: Fighting, Water, Grass, Electric, Fairy
17. Toxapex
Toxapex is a dual Water/Poison type Pokémon. It was introduced in Generation VII and it evolves from Mareanie at level 38.
Toxapex is a purple Pokémon with large tentacles sprouting from its head. Because of its weight, this Pokémon always appears to be floating in the air. Its tentacles serve as a way to move and also, as its shelter. Toxapex’s spines are poisonous and can induce pain for up to three days upon exposure. As a counter-measure, its claws serve to finish off enemies that escape its poison.
- Type: Poison/Water
- Weakness: Ground, Electric, Psychic
- Immunity: None
- Resistance: Fighting, Poison, Bug, Steel, Fire, Water, Ice, Fairy
16. Beedrill
Beedril is a dual-type Poison/Bug Pokémon. It was introduced in Generation I and it evolves from Kakuna at level 10, and is the final form of Weedle.
Beedril is a bee-like quadrupedal Pokémon with four wings, a yellow-striped abdomen, and forelegs that are covered in silver sharp pointers. It also has red eyes, two antennas, and a yellow-colored thorax. This bug Pokémon is not a social type and prefers to live peacefully in their herds. To attack intruders, it relies on the pointers on its legs and abdomen. Also, their tendency to fight in droves makes them difficult to conquer.
- Type: Bug/Poison
- Weakness: Flying, Rock, Fire, Psychic
- Immunity: None
- Resistance: Fighting, Poison, Bug, Grass, Fairy
15. Seviper
Seviper is one of the popular Poison-type Pokémon that was introduced in Generation III, and it is not known to evolve.
Seviper is a snake-like Pokémon that has two visible fangs and a blade-like tail. It has red, menacing eyes and is a mix of blue and yellow coloration. Its tail, which it sharpens habitually, is its primary means of attack. In battle, it will look to constrict its victims and inseminate them with dangerous poison.
- Type: Poison
- Weakness: Ground, Psychic
- Immunity: None
- Resistance: Fighting, Poison, Bug, Grass, Fairy
14. Nidoking & Nidoqueen
Nidoking & Nidoqueen are a dual-type Poison/Ground Pokémon. They were introduced in Generation I and they evolve from Nidorino & Nidorina respectively when exposed to a Moon Stone.
Nidoking is a large, purple Pokémon with massive arms and feet. It has spines on its back and the inside of its ear is green. It has four claws in all and a long powerful tail. In attack, this ground-type Pokémon’s tail serves to crush the bones of enemies. Also, it relies on its venomous horns which can destroy massive chunks of stone. Nidoking is extremely violent and subservient only to a Nidoqueen. Nidoqueen looks identical to Nidoking except for its dominant, blue coloration.
- Type: Poison/Ground
- Weakness: Ground, Water, Psychic, Ice
- Immunity: Electric
- Resistance: Fighting, Poison, Rock, Bug, Fairy
13. Roserade
Roserade is a dual-type Poison/Grass Pokémon that was introduced in Generation IV. It evolves from Roselia when exposed to a Shiny Stone and is the final form of Budew.
Roserade is a flower-like Pokémon whose hair is made up of white rose petals and its hands are made of flower bouquets. On the one hand, it has a red bouquet and on the other, it has a blue bouquet. The rest of its body is green and it has yellow tips as its feet.
This grass-type Pokémon traps victims by giving off a sweet-smelling scent that is actually poison. The stronger the poison, the sweeter the scent. Its bouquet of flowers is actually very poisonous, it moves in an elegant manner, and uses whips laced with poisonous thorns on its victims.
- Type: Grass/Poison
- Weakness: Flying, Fire, Psychic, Ice
- Immunity: None
- Resistance: Fighting, Water, Grass, Electric, Fairy
12. Muk
Muk is one of the best Poison type Pokémon that evolves from Grimer at level 38, and it was introduced in Generation I.
This Pokémon is a sticky purple creature that looks like bubblegum. It has a wide mouth and two hands. It moves by crawling on the ground and is known to be extremely dangerous. As it moves, it emits toxins uncontrollably and will kill off anything that comes in contact. Muk can consume waste generated by both humans and Pokémon alike.
- Type: Poison
- Weakness: Ground, Psychic
- Immunity: None
- Resistance: Fighting, Poison, Bug, Grass, Fairy
11. Vileplume
Vileplume is a dual-type Grass/Poison Pokémon that was introduced in Generation I. It evolves from Gloom when exposed to a Leaf Stone and is one of Oddish’s final forms.
Vileplume is a small, purple Pokémon with small hands, feet, and tiny red eyes. On its head, it has a massive petal that’s known as one of the largest in the Pokémon universe. Also, there are five petals that look like a hat and weigh on it heavily at times. Vileplume’s petals contain poisonous pollen that can be used against its prey. It also uses these petals for its signature move, Petal Dance.
- Type: Grass/Poison
- Weakness: Flying, Fire, Psychic, Ice
- Immunity: None
- Resistance: Fighting, Water, Grass, Electric, Fairy
10. Salazzle
Salazzle is a dual-type Poison/Fire Pokémon that was introduced in Generation VII. The female Salandit evolves into Salazzle at level 33, while the male Salandit does not evolve.
Salazzle is a lizard-like Pokémon with pink and purple decorations on its chest and tail. It has long hands, feet, and a very long tail. It also has a long snout and gas that can be diluted to make perfumes. However, the original gas of this fire-type Pokémon is extremely poisonous.
- Type: Poison/Fire
- Weakness: Ground, Rock, Water, Psychic
- Immunity: None
- Resistance: Fighting, Poison, Bug, Steel, Fire, Grass, Ice, Fairy
9. Toxicroak
Toxicroak is a dual-type Poison/Fighting Pokémon. It was introduced in Generation IV and it evolves from Croagunk at level 37.
This fighting-type Pokémon appears to be a poisonous frog which is blue in color and has a big red sac just below its chin. Also, it has yellow glistening eyes, white teeth, and a projection on its head. Toxicroak has poisonous claws and very muscular legs that help it move very quickly in attack. Whenever it croaks, it releases deadly poison stored in its sac.
- Type: Poison/Fighting
- Weakness: Flying, Ground, Psychic
- Immunity: None
- Resistance: Fighting, Poison, Rock, Bug, Grass, Dark
8. Dragalge
Dragalge is a dual-type Poison/Dragon Pokémon that was introduced in Generation VI and it evolves from Skrelp at level 48.
Dragalge looks like a sea dragon and it has a long snout, red eyes, and dry leaves on the top of its head. It also has three small spikes on its back. This dragon Pokémon is vicious in that, it will spit deadly poison at anything that crosses it. In attack, it can camouflage itself among seaweed, and will spring attacks on oblivious victims with its poisonous liquid.
- Type: Poison/Dragon
- Weakness: Ground, Psychic, Ice, Dragon
- Immunity: None
- Resistance: Fighting, Poison, Bug, Fire, Water, Grass, Electric
7. Venusaur
Venusaur is a dual-type Poison/Grass Pokémon that was introduced in Generation I. It evolves from Ivysaur at level 32 and is the final form of Bulbasaur. It can Mega Evolve using Venusaurite and it also has a Gigantamax form!
Venusaur is a large Pokémon, with leaves on its back. Atop the leaves, it has a trunk that supports six flower petals. It has flowers on its body that can be converted into energy with the help of the sun’s rays. Also, it can emit calming fragrances that attract other Pokémon. To fight off enemies, Venusaur attacks rivals with its thick, powerful vines and can also use its toxic pollen against enemies.
- Type: Grass/Poison
- Weakness: Flying, Fire, Psychic, Ice
- Immunity: None
- Resistance: Fighting, Water, Grass, Electric, Fairy
6. Drapion
Drapion is a dual-type Poison/Dark Pokémon. It was introduced in Generation IV and it evolves from Skorupi at level 40.
Drapion is a purple scorpion, with different segments on its hands and tail. Its hands start from the sides of its head and end in steel hooks. It has two sharp protrusions on its jaw and is able to turn its head at 180 degrees. This dark-type Pokémon is extremely potent and can completely destroy its enemies without applying its toxins. It also likes to show off its power.
- Type: Poison/Dark
- Weakness: Ground
- Immunity: Psychic
- Resistance: Poison, Ghost, Grass, Dark
5. Naganadel
Naganadel is one of the Ultra Beasts and it evolves from Poipole when it’s leveled up while knowing Dragon Pulse. It was introduced in Generation VII.
Naganadel is an insect-like Pokémon with draconic features. It has long, sharp mandibles on its tail and sides and there are spikes on its wings, head, and thorax. Its lower body that appears swollen contains its brain and poisonous liquid. On its abdomen, it has sensitive spikes that elicit an aggressive response if they are touched.
- Type: Poison/Dragon
- Weakness: Ground, Psychic, Ice, Dragon
- Immunity: None
- Resistance: Fighting, Poison, Bug, Fire, Water, Grass, Electric
4. Nihilego
Nihilego is a dual-type Poison/Rock Pokémon that was introduced in Generation VII. It is one of the Ultra Beasts known by the codename UB-01 Symbiote!
Nihilego is a jelly-like Pokémon that has several tentacles, and star shapes on its face and sometimes moves like a young girl. To capture its prey, it manipulates the thoughts of its prey with its toxins. Also, this rock-type beast can sometimes alter the memory of its victims.
- Type: Rock/Poison
- Weakness: Ground, Steel, Water, Psychic
- Immunity: None
- Resistance: Normal, Flying, Poison, Bug, Fire, Fairy
3. Gengar
Gengar is one of the popular Poison/Ghost Pokémon. It was introduced in Generation I and evolves from Haunter when traded, and is the final form of Gastly. It can Mega Evolve using Gengarite and it also has a Gigantamax form!
Gengar is a purple Pokémon with red eyes, small hands, and small feet. It has protrusions at the side of its head that look like its ears. It has a mysterious grin, and the ability to hide in the shadows. This ghost-type Pokémon can also manipulate user behavior by possessing the shadows of its victims. Also, it is known to be a purveyor of mischief and looks to cause harm to whatever stands in its way.
- Type: Ghost/Poison
- Weakness: Ground, Ghost, Psychic, Dark
- Immunity: Normal, Fighting
- Resistance: Poison, Bug, Grass, Fairy
2. Toxtricity
Toxitricity is a dual-type Poison/Electric Pokémon. It was introduced in Generation VIII and it evolves from Toxel at level 30.
Toxitricity is a lizard-like, bipedal Pokémon. It has a long arm, yellow chest, and spikes of hair from its face to the back of its neck. It has four horns and has three fingers on its hand. This Pokémon also has a vicious streak and will attack whatever looks at it, and it is capable of generating electricity by removing the poison from itself.
- Type: Electric/Poison
- Weakness: Ground, Psychic
- Immunity: None
- Resistance: Flying, Fighting, Poison, Bug, Steel, Grass, Electric, Fairy
1. Eternatus
Eternatus is a dual Dragon/Poison type Pokémon that was introduced in Generation VIII and it is not known to evolve.
Eternatus has a skeletal frame, with spikes and appendages that surround its body. Also, it has a long appendage upshot from its back that has curved edges. This legendary Pokémon has a glowing pink core that’s lodged in its ribs and it serves as an energy source, and it is not only capable of turning into massive blasts but can also cause a great storm.
- Type: Poison/Dragon
- Weakness: Ground, Psychic, Ice, Dragon
- Immunity: None
- Resistance: Fighting, Poison, Bug, Fire, Water, Grass, Electric
These were some of the best and strongest poison type Pokémon that you should definitely know of. I am sure that you discovered some new Pokémon after reading this article and if that was the case, then make sure to share it with your friends and spread the word.
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