is the one-stop shop for all things anime, manga, manhwa, and more! If you are an otaku who not only loves watching anime or reading manga but also likes to talk about their favorite characters, favorite webtoons, or favorite light novels, this is the website you want to visit.
As we write new content, introduce new categories and expand our horizons, you will find all kinds of content on, and you won’t have to visit any other website for your otaku needs. That’s our mission, and that’s what we are building with every new article we publish!
The site is still in its earlier stages, so bear with us as we build it one step at a time, and hopefully, we will complete our mission – of building an otaku website that every otaku recommends to their friends for all their otaku needs!
About the Author:
Hey, I am Arbaz Khan, the founder of! I am an otaku, just like you lot. Although I can’t say I have watched hundreds upon hundreds of anime or read hundreds of manga series, I can say that most of my free time is spent watching old, obscure & underrated anime while I catch up on seasonal anime titles in my remaining free time.
I have been building and working on websites for a long time now, and since I love watching anime and reading manga, I decided to start an anime website to combine something that I love and work on it as a profession. So, that’s how was born!
I hope you accompany me on my journey as I grow this website from just another anime-themed site to “THE” anime website every otaku must bookmark!
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