Water type Pokémon are one of the most popular types of Pokémon introduced in the series so far. It’s also one of the three starter types along with fire-type and grass-type!
These Pokémon are pretty powerful and have a pretty high defense, but they are generally weaker to electric-type and grass-type moves. And when it comes to offensive capabilities, they are on par with other monsters and can not only put up a good fight but can completely decimate their opponents with their wide range of attacks.
But let’s move on from what they are capable of and focus on their designs. Almost all the water-type Pokémon have an amazing design, and almost all of them are cute, at least their base forms are. It’s also one of the types with over 150 Pokémon introduced throughout all the generations.
So, it was only natural to prepare a list featuring the best water Pokémon of all time and that’s what I have done here. Let’s not waste any more time and check out the best and the most popular pocket monsters!
Best Water Type Pokémon of 2022
23. Crawdaunt
Crawdaunt is a dual-type Water/Dark Pokémon that evolves from Corphish at level 30. It was first introduced back in Generation III.
This dark-type is a large red Pokémon with very scary features. It has hands like a crab and big feet that have claws. Its mouth and throat are shaped to look like a large tooth-like structure. Just in front of its face is a large yellow star.
Crawdaunt are constantly looking for a battle and will fight anyone that ventures into its territory. They use their crab-like hands to fight and physically remove anyone from their space. When its hands start to fall off, it becomes timid and hides until they grow back.
- Type: Water/Dark
- Weakness: Fighting, Bug, Grass, Electric, Fairy
- Immunity: Psychic
- Resistance: Ghost, Steel, Fire, Water, Ice, Dark
22. Golduck
Golduck is one of the best Water type Pokémon that was first introduced in Generation I. It evolves from Psyduck at level 33.
Golduck is a duck-like Pokémon with a red gem on its forehead, the same color as its eyes. Its hands and feet are covered with yellow webs and its tail is blue. Its webbed fingers make it a competent swimmer. When it uses its psychic powers, the gem on its forehead glows. It can give knowledge to its trainers using its psychic powers. Golduck fights off its enemies by dragging them into the sea and leaving them for dead.
- Type: Water
- Weakness: Grass, Electric
- Immunity: None
- Resistance: Steel, Fire, Water, Ice
21. Sharpedo
Sharpedo is a dual Dark/Water-type Pokémon. It was introduced in Generation III and it evolves from Carvanha at level 30. It can also Mega Evolve using Sharpedonite!
This shark-like Pokémon has a wide mouth with strong white teeth and at the side of its face, it has eyes and gills. It has a total of three fins, two dorsal fins, and one pelvic fin. This Pokémon is very dangerous and feared amongst sea creatures and sea travelers. Its sharp teeth are said to cut through the strongest objects, including steel. Sharpedo is territorial and some believe that its tooth can prevent shipwrecks.
- Type: Water/Dark
- Weakness: Fighting, Bug, Grass, Electric, Fairy
- Immunity: Psychic
- Resistance: Ghost, Steel, Fire, Water, Ice, Dark
20. Araquanid
Araquanid is a dual-type Water/Bug Pokémon. It was introduced in Generation VII and it evolves from Dewpider at level 22.
Araquanid looks like a very large spider with a water bubble on its head. It has six yellow legs that have grey colors at the tip of it. Just at the joint of its legs, there is a water bubble on it. The bubble on this bug-type Pokémon’s head can be very useful when it’s time for battle. It uses it as a weapon against enemies by smashing them with it. It can also lure opponents in and drown them in this bubble.
- Type: Water/Bug
- Weakness: Flying, Rock, Electric
- Immunity: None
- Resistance: Fighting, Ground, Steel, Water, Ice
19. Inteleon
Inteleon is a Water type Pokémon that was first introduced in Generation VIII. It evolves from Drizzle at level 35 and it is the final form of Sobble. It also has a Gigantamax form!
Inteleon is a chameleon-like Pokémon with a small head and pointed mouth. The space above its eye, the fin that extends from the top of its head. While its abdomen and tail are blue, it has long dark legs and webbed feet. This Pokémon has a lot of peculiar abilities, all equally useful. Its yellow fin allows it to glide through the air very swiftly, and its dark fingers can sprout powerful blasts of water.
- Type: Water
- Weakness: Grass, Electric
- Immunity: None
- Resistance: Steel, Fire, Water, Ice
18. Swanna
Swanna is a dual-type Water/Flying Pokémon. It was introduced in Generation V and it evolves from Ducklett at level 35.
This flying-type Pokémon is covered in white feathers and two blue feathers under its belly, and it has a long yellow beak, black beaded eyes and two webbed feet. It is unbelievably strong for a peaceful bird and it can use its beak to give deadly hits to anyone that opposes it. Swanna is a passionate flyer and performs choreographic dance patterns with other Pokémon.
- Type: Water/Flying
- Weakness: Rock, Electric
- Immunity: Ground
- Resistance: Fighting, Bug, Steel, Fire, Water
17. Kingdra
Kingdra is a dual Dragon/Water type Pokémon that evolves from Seadra when traded while holding a Dragon Scale. It was introduced in Generation II and it is the final form of Horsea.
Kingdra is a blue seahorse Pokémon with red eyes. Its abdomen is covered in yellow scales and it has two sticks in its head. It has a single fin on its back held by two ridges on each side of the fin. It also has a pair of fins on each side of its cheek and the ability to expel water from its snout. Because of its immense strength, Kingdra avoids the surface for fear of the destruction it might wreak.
- Type: Water/Dragon
- Weakness: Dragon, Fairy
- Immunity: None
- Resistance: Steel, Fire, Water
16. Seismitoad
Seismitoad is a dual-type Water/Ground Pokémon that was introduced in Generation V. It evolves from Palpitoad at level 36 and is the final form of Tympole.
This Pokémon is blue, resembling a toad, and has huge hunks on its body. It has red eyes and a very long tongue. These hunks on its body are not entirely useless, neither are they there for decoration. They can emit a liquid that causes their victims to become paralyzed. The hunks can also cause the ground to feel vibrations and it increases the strength of the Pokémon.
- Type: Water/Ground
- Weakness: Grass
- Immunity: Electric
- Resistance: Poison, Rock, Steel, Fire
15. Lapras
Lapras is a dual-type Water/Ice Pokémon first introduced in Generation I. It does not evolve but it has a Gigantamax form.
Lapras is a sub-aquatic creature with small dark eyes and two slightly curved horns. On its back, it carries a dark hard shell. It is powerful and carries sea travelers on its back. Also, it is intelligent and is amongst the few Pokémon that can comprehend human language. This ice-type Pokémon can create beautiful sounds and is strong enough crush icebergs in their way during travel.
- Type: Water/Ice
- Weakness: Fighting, Rock, Grass, Electric
- Immunity: None
- Resistance: Water, Ice
14. Milotic
Milotic is a beautiful Water type Pokémon that was introduced in Generation III. It evolves from Feebas when traded while holding a Prism Scale.
Milotic is a cream-colored snake with two pink antennas and two very long fins. These fins come from above its eyebrow and go to the ground. Its lower body and tail are patterned in blue and red colors. It has been the admiration and source of inspiration for many artists because of how beautiful it is. It is very enticing to look at and it emits positive energy wherever it goes. Milotic can also dispel violence by releasing peaceful auras in violent places.
- Type: Water
- Weakness: Grass, Electric
- Immunity: None
- Resistance: Steel, Fire, Water, Ice
13. Gyarados
Gyarados is a dual Flying/Water-type Pokémon. It was introduced in Generation I and it evolves from Magikarp at level 20. It can also Mega Evolve using Gyaradosite.
Gyarados is a snake-like Pokémon with a dragon face and fishtail. It also has fins on each side of its face and four others on its upper body and tail. It has two strands of mustache hanging from its chin and is an extremely violent creature. It uses its teeth and hard body as a weapon for destruction and is a competent jumper. It is so violent that it is only seen in times of war.
- Type: Water/Flying
- Weakness: Fighting, Bug, Grass, Electric, Fairy
- Immunity: Psychic
- Resistance: Ghost, Steel, Fire, Water, Ice, Dark
12. Primarina
Primarina is a dual-type Water/Fairy Pokémon that evolves from Brionne at level 34. It was introduced in Generation VI and is the final form of Popplio.
This fairy-type Pokémon looks like a mermaid and a sea lion and its coloration is a mixture of white, blue, and pink. It has long hair wrapped in white beads and a long blue fishtail. At the side of its head, there is a starfish accessory that adds to its beauty. Except for certain battle moves, its hair is often wrapped in a ponytail. In attack, it relies on its charming voice and powerful water balloons.
- Type: Water/Fairy
- Weakness: Poison, Grass, Electric
- Immunity: Dragon
- Resistance: Fighting, Bug, Fire, Water, Ice, Dark
11. Vaporeon
Vaporeon is one of the most popular Water type Pokémon and it was introduced back in Generation I. It evolves from Eevee when exposed to a Water Stone and is Eevee’s many evolutions.
Vaporeon is unlike most others in that, it has both mammalian and aquatic features. It is blue with large fin-like ears and a white coverage around its neck. Also, it has another fin on top of its head, two hind legs, and a long fishtail. Vaporeon prefers to stay in clean water and can blend in seamlessly to that environment.
- Type: Water
- Weakness: Grass, Electric
- Immunity: None
- Resistance: Steel, Fire, Water, Ice
10. Swampert
Swampert is a dual-type Water/Ground Pokémon that was introduced in Generation III. It evolves from Marshtomp at level 36 and is the final form of Mudkip.
Swampert has a more powerful form known as Mega Swampert which it transforms to using Swampertite. This ground-type Pokémon has fins and gills but unlike a fish, it also has hands and feet. Although its hands conceal this fact, it is incredibly strong. It is also a great swimmer and thrives when moving in aquatic regions.
- Type: Water/Ground
- Weakness: Grass
- Immunity: Electric
- Resistance: Poison, Rock, Steel, Fire
9. Empoleon
Empoleon is a dual-type Water/Steel Pokémon. It was introduced in Generation IV and it evolves from Prinplup at level 36 and is the final form of Piplup.
Empoleon looks like a penguin and has a trident-like crown on their face. It has yellow webbed feet and wings that look like surfboards. Its skin is black and has a blue lining around it, and its wings are so sharp that they can cut through ice. This steel-type Pokémon is regal and will look to attack any rivals that damage its pride.
- Type: Water/Steel
- Weakness: Fighting, Ground, Electric
- Immunity: Poison
- Resistance: Normal, Flying, Rock, Bug, Steel, Water, Psychic, Ice, Dragon, Fairy
8. Keldeo
Keldeo is a dual-type Water/Fighting Pokémon that was introduced in Generation V. It does not evolve but can take on another form known as Resolute Form.
Keldeo is a four-legged Pokémon with a shiny blue tail and fur on its neck. It has red hair on its head and long blue eyebrows and grey. This Pokémon is always training and trying to reach its full power potential. Because of its training, it travels around the world, crossing oceans and rivers in the process. The horn on this fighting-type Pokémon’s forehead is the source of its power and to fully activate it, it has to withstand tough battles.
- Type: Water/Fighting
- Weakness: Flying, Grass, Electric, Psychic, Fairy
- Immunity: None
- Resistance: Rock, Bug, Steel, Fire, Water, Ice, Dark
7. Feraligatr
Feraligatr is one of the best Water type Pokémon and it was introduced back in Generation II. It evolves from Croconaw at level 30 and is the final form of Totodile.
Feraligatr looks like a blue dinosaur with red spines on its head, back, and tail. On its knee and along its arm, it has scales. It has a large mouth, sharp teeth, and three sharp claws on its feet. This Pokémon tends to scare off opponents by opening its wide mouth and shaking it ferociously. It does not run away from a fight but uses its heavy body and strong teeth to win its battles.
- Type: Water
- Weakness: Grass, Electric
- Immunity: None
- Resistance: Steel, Fire, Water, Ice
6. Blastoise
Blastoise is one of the most popular Water type Pokémon which was introduced back in Generation I. It evolves from Wartortle at level 36 and is the final form of Squirtle. It can Mega Evolve using Blastoisinite and it also has a Gigantamax form!
Blastoise is a blue turtle that has two cannons on its shell. It has a heavy set frame and powerful arms as well. It has spikes at the back of its legs and three claws on each finger. The cannon on its shell releases water that is strong enough to cut through steel. Blastoise is built powerfully to protect itself and execute successful and extremely strong water-based attacks.
- Type: Water
- Weakness: Grass, Electric
- Immunity: None
- Resistance: Steel, Fire, Water, Ice
5. Volcanion
Volcanion is a dual-type Water/Fire Pokémon that was introduced in Generation VI. It is not known to evolve to any other Pokémon.
This fire-type beast is maroon in color with three yellow claws on its arms and feet. It has a hunched back, with a sharp end and extremely massive arms. Behind it, it has a ring that extends to its back and is covered in blue dots. This mythical Pokémon can emit hot air that can single-handedly topple a whole mountain. The hot air/steam that is stored in Volcanion’s body is the source of its strength and it cannot wield its power without water!
- Type: Fire/Water
- Weakness: Ground, Rock, Electric
- Immunity: Water
- Resistance: Bug, Steel, Fire, Ice, Fairy
4. Suicune
Suicune is a powerful Water-type Pokémon that was introduced in Generation II and it is not known to evolve. This Pokémon is one of the Legendary Beasts!
Suicune is a blue, quadrupedal mammal who has a large diamond on its head and flowing purple hair. It has two long tails and is patterned with white diamond shapes, and it has the power to purify and travel on water. It relies on the north wind to find dirty bodies of water for purification. Suicune is a non-violent Pokémon, the embodiment of north winds and the closest of the legendary beasts to Ho-Oh.
- Type: Water
- Weakness: Grass, Electric
- Immunity: None
- Resistance: Steel, Fire, Water, Ice
3. Greninja
Greninja is a dual-type Water/Dark Pokémon that was introduced in Generation VI. It evolves from Frogadier at level 36 and is the final form of Froakie.
Greninja looks like a frog with a long tongue wrapped around its neck. Its legs and feet are webbed, and its knees and elbow have white bubbles on them. It is an incredible martial artist and moves like a ninja. In attack, this Pokémon relies on powerful compressed water slices that look like stars. When it transforms, it takes on an altered form with different physical properties.
- Type: Water/Dark
- Weakness: Fighting, Bug, Grass, Electric, Fairy
- Immunity: Psychic
- Resistance: Ghost, Steel, Fire, Water, Ice, Dark
2. Kyogre
Kyogre is a powerful Water-type Pokémon that was introduced in Generation III. It does not evolve but can undergo Primal Reversion and become Primal Kyogre if it holds the Blue Orb.
Kyogre is a whale-like legendary Pokémon that has large arms with four white fingers. When in flight, it relies on its four feathers and can control bodies of water and the rain. It can also nourish places that have been ravaged by drought. It is peaceful and prefers to avoid conflict most of the times but it will devastate its enemies upon provocation.
- Type: Water
- Weakness: Grass, Electric
- Immunity: None
- Resistance: Steel, Water, Fire, Ice
1. Palkia
Palkia is a dual-type Water/Dragon Pokémon that is not known to evolve to any other forms. It was introduced in Generation IV and is a member of the Creation Trio representing Space.
Palkia is a theropod-like Pokémon with a long neck and a long tail, and it has big feet with three white toes. On its shoulders, there are purple rims that have a pink orb in the middle and its hands have five fingers on them. This dragon-type Pokémon is incredibly swift and achieves lightning-fast travel using its pink orb. Unlike most in its category, Palkia is an inter-dimensional Pokémon with exceptional strength.
- Type: Water/Dragon
- Weakness: Dragon, Fairy
- Immunity: None
- Resistance: Steel, Fire, Water
Everyone knows about the water-type because it is one of the most popular Pokémon types in existence. We all have grown up watching the show and playing games and even one of the starter Pokémon is always a water-type. So, there’s no reason why you shouldn’t know about the best water type Pokémon of all time and I am sure this list helped you learn more about them!
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