Logia devil fruits were once considered the strongest power systems in One Piece until advanced Haki forms and Mythical Zoan devil fruits were introduced. Still, Logia-type devil fruits are a force to be reckoned with as they bestow their users with incredible abilities that make them into a one-person army!
In the world of One Piece, Logia devil fruits are one of the rarest. They are the hardest to find and feature as the most potent powers in the series. Some of the most powerful characters in the series possess a Logia-type fruit, which is a testament to its insane strength.
Unlike Paramecia-type devil fruits, where users can have a wide range of powers, or Zoan-type devil fruits, where users transform into animals or mythical creatures, Logia-type devil fruits transform their users into certain elements.
From Caribou’s Numa Numa no Mi to Blackbeard’s Yami Yami no Mi, each of these fruits are powerful in its own right, but which ones are the strongest? Well, stick around to find out!
What Are Logia Devil Fruits?
Logia-type devil fruits are the rarest in the series and grant their users immense power. Typically, Logia fruits allow their user to transform into a natural element at will, also altering their body composition in the process. Logia users can control these elements and create the element at will, for example, smoke, magma, or fire.
Unlike Zoan fruits, these powers are extremely specific and are based somewhat on reality. Each Logia we have seen in the series bases itself on a natural element in the real world, making them extremely deadly.
In addition to their user being able to generate a seemingly endless amount of a specific element and control it, the defining power of each Logia is its ability to transform the user’s body into that element. This gives them several properties depending on the specific fruit they have eaten.
If a Logia user transforms some of their body into a specific element, and it is struck by a normal body part or object, they take no damage. All attacks will just pass through their bodies, and the Logia fruit users won’t have to defend against anything. The only real way to affect a Logia user is either Haki or using their natural weakness, for example, using water on sand or rubber on electricity.
Logia’s powers are some of the strongest in the entire series, meaning some of the strongest characters in the world of One Piece have them. Each can hold its own, but some are stronger than others. So, let’s check them all out!
The Strongest Logia Devil Fruits in One Piece:
13. Numa Numa no Mi
The weakest out of the bunch but still incredibly strong, the Numa Numa no Mi is up first. Being the weakest Logia is still an achievement, as this power is still extremely strong and, in the right hands, could be incredibly dangerous.
The Numa Numa no Mi, also known as the Swamp Swamp Fruit, turns its user into a Swamp Human, and this fruit is currently eaten by Caribou. This fruit allows its user to create, control and transform into a swamp. Though this could be used mainly for offense and taking out lots of enemies, Caribou use it for criminal activities. He can take the treasure, people, and other objects within his swamp and hide them inside himself.
12. Yuki Yuki no Mi
A fruit similar to another later on in the list, but nowhere near as strong, is the Yuki Yuki no Mi, also known as the Snow Snow Fruit.
The Yuki Yuki no Mi turns its user into a Snow Human and was possessed by Monet before she was defeated by Zoro. This fruit allows its user to create, control and transform into snow. Just like any other fruit, its user can turn into snow, which already makes it strong, but it’s what that snow can do that makes it stronger.
Monet can control the density of snow, creating barriers and even using it to change the properties of her body for defense. She can also release a massive snowstorm to take advantage of her opponents’ inherent weakness to ice, as she did with Zoro and Tashigi.
11. Moku Moku no Mi
The first among Logia-type devil fruits introduced in the series was the Moku Moku no Mi, as Smoker made his first appearance around Loguetown. From here on out, we saw what would become one of the most potent abilities in the One Piece world and how our protagonists would struggle against such immense power.
Also known as the Smoke Smoke Fruit or the Plume Plume fruit, it turns its user into a Smoke Human and is eaten by Smoker. This fruit allows its user to control, create and transform into smoke at will. Like every other Logia, Smoker’s body is made of smoke, meaning regular attacks cannot affect this Marine.
Because of this, he is almost unbeatable, but Smoker even carries around a Sea Stone baton to defeat other devil fruit users who come his way.
10. Susu Susu no Mi
Karasu, a member of the Revolutionary Army, has a very interesting devil fruit, which allows him to control soot. With this power, he can spread, condense and build up the soot to defeat his enemies in very interesting ways.
The Susu Susu no Mi, also known as the Soot Soot Fruit, turns its user into a Soot Human, allowing them to create, control, and transform into Soot. This power has the same properties as most other Logia users, but Karasu uses his fruit in specific ways.
With his Soot, Karasu can condense it into obelisk-type structures that can penetrate his foes. He can also lay soot down and then reduce it later to create a trap. He can also break up his body and create multiple crows made up of soot and easily travel around or infiltrate places. From what little we have seen, it’s clear that Karasu understands his devil fruits abilities perfectly and can utilize them to their full potential!
9. Gasu Gasu no Mi
The devious Caesar Clown has one of the strongest Logia devil fruits in the series, in his hands at least. The Gasu Gasu no Mi, also known as Gas Gas Fruit, is the perfect fruit for a mad scientist like Caesar, who plays around with gas, poison, and other chemical creations.
The Gasu Gasu no Mi turns its user into a Gas Human, allowing them to create, control, and transform into a chemical gas at will. With this power, Caesar can use his chemical creations without affecting himself. Caesar can even go into a spirit-like gas form to move around easily. He can even manipulate pre-existing gases in the area, meaning anything in gas form is his to mess with!
In the right circumstances, such as we saw in Punk Hazard, Caesar is almost unbeatable unless you have access to strong Haki.
8. Mori Mori no Mi
One of the most recently introduced Logia-type devil fruits is from Admiral Ryokugyu, whose real name is Aramaki. This character was a long time coming after his original reveal earlier in the story, but we all knew he had to have a strong devil fruit. All Marine Admirals are strong with some insane power, and Aramaki is no different.
The Mori Mori no Mi, aka the Woods Woods Fruit, turns its user into a Forest Human, allowing Aramaki to create, control, and transform into all sorts of flora at will, from growing plants out of the barren wasteland that was Wano Kingdom to becoming a massive tree to fight the Red Scabbards. It seems this power is also affected by the sun, which is getting stronger depending on the weather.
7. Mera Mera no Mi
A devil fruit once held by Portgas D. Ace, sought after by everyone in the Dressrosa Colosseum, and a fruit that found its rightful place in the hands of Sabo, the Mera Mera no Mi is among the strongest Logia devil fruits.
Also known as the Flame Flame Fruit, the Mera Mera no Mi turns its user into a Fire Human, allowing them to create, control, and transform into fire at will. Ace and Sabo use this fruit much the same, using it to coat their body in fire, avoid shots, and even coat their attacks. Its primary strength is its massive fiery attacks that can defeat even the strongest of devil fruit users.
The only reason this fruit ranks lower is because of the Magu Magu no Mi and the Yami Yami no Mi, which were seen to hard counter this fruit. Ace even died at the hands of Akainu thanks to his Magma powers combined with Armament Haki.
6. Suna Suna no Mi
The Suna Suna no Mi was the first devil fruit Luffy couldn’t punch his way past. Even characters like Smoker lost out to how Luffy fought and what happened during Loguetown, but Crocodile’s Suna Suna no Mi stopped the budding pirate.
The Suna Suna no Mi, also known as the Sand Sand Fruit, turns its user into a Sand Human, allowing them to create, control, and transform into the sand at will. Crocodile used this like any other Logia, having insane defense thanks to his body transformation and incorporating it into meteoric attacks like Desert Spada and Barjan.
Crocodile was in the perfect environment for his fruit, being in the sandy dunes of Alabasta, but even then, he could still pack a punch wherever he was. Crocodile’s main weakness was water, as wet sand tends to clump up, meaning Luffy could finally do some damage to the Warlord.
5. Hie Hie no Mi
With this entry, we now hit the higher end of powerful Logia devil fruits in the series, where each could be a contender for the 2nd spot. First in the top five is the Ex-Mraine Admiral and current Blackbeard Pirate member Kuzan’s Hie Hie no Mi.
Also known as the Ice Ice Fruit, this particular devil fruit turns its user into a Freezing Human, allowing them to create, control, and transform into ice at will.
With this power, Kuzan can do many things, from freezing his own body for defense to freezing a section of the ocean to stop Whitebeard’s attacks. This power is exceptionally strong and could be higher if it wasn’t for its stronger natural weakness, which happens to be fire/magma.
4. Pika Pika no Mi
Admirals have some of the most potent powers in the series, and Kizaru is a Marine Admiral with a devil fruit that seems nearly unbeatable.
The Pika Pika no Mi, also known as the Glint Glint Fruit, turns its user into a Light Human, allowing them to control, create and transform into light at will. This enables Kizaru to not only attack at the speed of light but transport his body at the same speed as well. This makes him an incredible force for anyone in the series, but his attacks and his mastery of Haki make him even more powerful.
From shooting laser beams to just attacking at insane speeds, Kizaru is indeed one of the strongest characters in the series, with an insane devil fruit that could battle anyone on this list and most likely win!
3. Goro Goro no Mi
A character and a self-proclaimed god, who could rival anyone in the One Piece series right now, controls one of the strongest Logia devil fruits. Enel is a character who could rule the sea if he ever made it back to earth, as he possesses the devastating devil fruit, the Goro Goro no Mi.
Also known as the Rumble Fruit, it turns its user into a Lightning Human, allowing them to create, control, and transform into lighting. This devil fruit is one of the series’s only so-called “invincible” devil fruits, as many feared Enel and considered him a God.
The only reason he lost was because Luffy happened to be his natural enemy, being grounded by his Rubber powers. If Enel ever made it back to earth, he could be the strongest devil fruit user in the series, maybe aside from the number one entry on this list.
2. Magu Magu no Mi
The Magu Magu no Mi, the devil fruit that destroyed Portgas D. Ace and defeated Kuzan on Punk Hazard, is possessed by Fleet Admiral Sakazuki, formerly known as Admiral Akainu. This fruit has insane power, as Akainu has seemingly perfected its abilities.
The Magu Magu no Mi, also known as the Magma Magma Fruit, turns its user into a Magma Human, allowing them to create, control, and transform into Magma at will. With this power, Akainu is almost untouchable and has some of the most meteoric abilities in the series, from calling down a hail of magma balls, in the same vein as a volcano, to letting any physical attack harmlessly pass through it while also burning the object.
This power is easily a higher order than most natural abilities that most Logia-type devil fruits provide, even easily beating out its counterpart, the Mera Mera no Mi. It was also revealed that this particular devil fruit has the highest offensive power among all devil fruits!
1. Yami Yami no Mi
Here we are at the number one spot occupied by Yami Yami no Mi, also known as the Dark Dark Fruit, possessed by Marshall D. Teach, aka Blackbeard himself!
Blackbeard has one of the most potent powers in the One Piece world, and it’s all down to the unique ability of the Yami Yami no Mi he killed a friend to get. This devil fruit turns its user into a Darkness Human, allowing them to create, control, and transform into darkness at will. With this power, Blackbeard can create a massive pool of darkness that consumes everything around him and regurgitate it in a destroyed state.
The ultimate power of this fruit is one that no other devil fruit in the series has. The Yami Yami no Mi can absorb other devil fruit powers and render their user powerless.
This affects Zoan and Paramecia users but is devastating to Logia users as their body is no longer made out of their specific natural element. This was how Blackbeard could defeat Ace so easily during their battle.
In conclusion, Logia-type devil fruits are the rarest in the series but come with some insane powers. Each natural element has its strengths and weaknesses, making most Logia fruits a pretty well-balanced power system.
However, these fruits are amplified by their current location, as in the case of Caesar Clown and Crocodile. Even without this, these powers are incredibly strong and can defeat anyone who comes across their user. The only way to counter and fight a Logia fruit user is to have a mastery over Haki abilities.
In conclusion, I hope you liked my list featuring the strongest Logia devil fruits in One Piece. And if you liked it, share it with your friends and help spread the word!
Also Read: The Strongest Devil Fruits in One Piece